Digital Nuclear Reactor History Museum

What Is Nuclear has, through the years, collected, funded, and/or coordinated the digitization of forgotten and unique nuclear reactor history artifacts in order to preserve them for educational and archival purposes. This page contains a list of them all.


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Army Package Power Reactor

For high-school and college-level audiences, this semitechnical film documents the inception, design, construction, initial operation, and dedicati...

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Naval Research Laboratory Reactor

The film presents a guided tour through the Naval Research Laboratory's research reactor facility in Washington, DC. All visible components are pic...

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Atomic Power and the United States

This is a nontechnical film for intermediate through college-level audiences. It summarizes activities of both the government and private industry ...

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This film describes the use of radiation to eradicate the screwworm fly in the southeastern United States, an insect pest that had caused large los...

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Remote Repair and Modification of the HRE-2 Core Vessel

Illustrates the remote repair and modification of the HRE-2 core vessel, following the formation of two holes which permitted transfer of fuel to t...

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PM-1 Nuclear Power Plant

A filmed story of the PM-1 nuclear power plant (a pressurized water system), a joint project of the USAEC and the U. S. Air Force, which supplies t...

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Hallam Nuclear Power Facility

This film shows the setting and location of the reactor built jointly by USAEC and the Consumers' Public Power District of Nebraska. An explanation...

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Nuclear Energy Goes Rural

This film presents the background, planning, and construction of the Elk River Reactor for Minnesota's Rural Cooperative Power Association. After t...

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Radioisotopes: Safe Servants of Industry

With emphasis on safety, this film surveys the widespread uses of radioisotopes in industry. Animated explanations of the principles involved in ra...

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The Nuclear Ship Savannah

This nontechnical, documentary film, for junior-high-school through college-level audiences, covers the historical background, and the design, cons...

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Hallam, Operating Experience

This describes the operation of the 79-megawatt electric Hallam Nuclear Power Facility which is powered by a 252-megawatt sodium-graphite reactor. ...

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Operating Experience, Indian Point

This technical film is the story of the design, construction, and operation of the Indian Point power station of the Consolidated Edison Co. of New...

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Operating Experience, Yankee

This technical film relates various plant design features and performance data of the nuclear power station operated by the Yankee Atomic Electric ...

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The New Power

This nontechnical film, for all audience levels, tells how the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho is furthering the USAEC's quest for econom...

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BONUS for Puerto Rico

The film describes the construction and initial operation of a small, unique nuclear power station, the Boiling Nuclear Superheat Reactor, in the p...

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In Search of a Critical Moment

This film tells the story of the Zero Power Plutonium Reactor (ZPPR), which was a special test reactor in Idaho designed to supply information esse...


In addition to films, we like to collect and scan various pamphlets, booklets, and other things

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Admiral Rickover's 'Paper Reactor' memo

Rickover's famous speech about the distinction between academic (paper) reactors and practical reactors.

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Hallam Sodium Graphite Reactor photos

Hundreds of photographs from the decommissioning of the Hallam Nuclear Power Facility, a Sodium Graphite Reactor that operated in Nebraska from 19...

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Aqueous Homogeneous Research Reactors

Let me tell you about Aqueous Homogeneous Research Reactors. These were reactors with fluid fuel: an aqueous solution of uranium. Aka "water-boiler...

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Construction of the Sodium Reactor Experiment

The Sodium Reactor Experiment (SRE) was a prototype reactor 27 miles NW of LA that served as a technology demonstration of sodium-cooled, graphite-...

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The Yankee Rowe Story

Yankee Rowe was a pioneering privately financed LWR that laid the foundation of the current US nuclear fleet. Learn its story here.

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Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant Project info packet

Various scanned pamphlets related to the Clinch River Breeder Reactor Plant Project

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San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station Pamphlet

San Onofre unit 1 was an early 450 MWe PWR that went into operation in 1968. This pamphlet summarizing the plant was issued before it was completed.

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Fermi 1 breeder reactor booklet from 1960: Atomic Power for Peace and Prosperity

A digitized booklet describing the non-profit companies formed to design, build, and operate the Fermi 1 sodium-cooled breeder reactor near Detroit.


Some of the things we've collected are posted externally without further commentary

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Calder Hall pamphlet

This booklet explains the construction, operation, and significance of the U.K.'s first power reactor. More info

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Hallam Fuel Handing Equipment print

Beautiful print of the Hallam SGR reactor hall, prominently including the fuel handling equipment. More info

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Hallam site overview print

Color print showing an areal view of the Hallam Nuclear Power Facility site near Hallam, NE. More info

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Piqua Nuclear Generating Station

Color print of the Piqua organic-cooled nuclear reactor in Piqua, OH. More info

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N.S. Savannah Illustrated with Deck Plans

Brochure showing the nuclear-powered passenger/cargo ship, the N.S. Savannah, with deck plans. More info

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SNAP-10A Space Nuclear Power System

Print of the SNAP-10A space nuclear power system. The reactor is on top and the cone is the heat radiator. More info

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The Douglas Point Nuclear Power Station

A 6-page 1960s-era pamphlet describing the Douglas Point CANDU nuclear power plant in Ontario, Canada.

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Centro Nuclear De Puerto Rico

Este es un folleto en español que describe el Centro Nuclear de Puerto Rico.

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Nuclear Programme In Korea 1985

Brochure from the 5th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference, which was held in Seoul, Korea, May 20-24, 1985

See Also