The photos below come from the decommissioning process of the Hallam Nuclear
Power Facility, a
Sodium Graphite Reactor that operated in Hallam, Nebraska between 1963 and 1964. Decommissioning
activities pictured here took place between 1967 and 1969. The originals are
sitting in the office at Sheldon Power
Station. After visiting
the site and looking through the albums, I asked Nebraska Public Power
District if they’d be willing to scan them (and also
sponsor the digitization of a related film). They graciously
agreed and sent me the scanned PDF. Special thanks to Scott Margheim and John
McClure at NPPD for all the efforts in getting this done. We cropped the images
and transcribed the captions to get them into this form.
Insulation removed from block and throttle valves. (D-1)
1st primary Na valve to remove 14" W/check. (D-2)
3" Na service piping to be removed. (D-3)
Removing 18" CR. Mo. guard pipe. (D-4)
Removing 18" CR. Mo. guard pipe. (D-5)
Removing 18" CR. Mo. guard pipe. (D-6)
Freezing Na in line drain. (D-7)
Putting in more dry ice. (D-8)
Starting cut on lines 146 (drain). (D-9)
Starting cut on lines 146 (drain). (D-10)
Cut and full of Na (Line 146). (D-11)
Removing Line 146 W/ catch bucket. (D-12)
Showing Na in Line 146. (D-13)
Line 145, also full of Na. (D-14)
Line 145, also full of Na. (D-15)
Line 147 full of Na. (D-16)
Setting up saw on line #239 inboard of valve. (D-17)
Running into track for straight cut. (D-18)
Setting saw on outboard of valve at same time. (D-19)
Drilling pilot hole for 4" saw. (D-20)
Hole is between chain and drive wheel. (D-21)
Sawing 4" hole. (D-22)
Showing saw cut nearly through. (D-23)
Hole through -- sniffing inside pipe. (D-24)
Starting to install balloon. (D-25)
Pushing balloon past saw line. (D-26)
Balloon ready to inflate. (D-27)
Inflating balloon inside pipe. (D-28)
Starting straight cut. (D-29)
Close watch on cutter (D-30)
Running bevel cut on outboard side at same time. (D-32)
Loose and starting out of vault. (D-32)
Just room. (D-33)
Coming up. (D-34)
V303 and V304 together. (D-35)
Out and ready to be cut apart. (D-36)
Balloon in pipe (forming seal). (D-37)
Cap with nipple for balloon removal. (D-38)
Trying bag removal (outside). (D-39)
Trying bag removal (side). (D-40)
Trying bag removal (inside). (D-41)
Welding on cap. (loop side) (D-42)
Cap on. (reactor side) (D-43)
Showing inside guard pipe. (Reactor) (D-44)
Installing ring flange in guard cavity. (D-45)
Next (D-46)
On East side of Reactor (2 throttle and 1 block valve) with ovens on. (D-47)
Mountains of insulation. (5' deep) (D-48)
Removed from East block and throttle valves. (D-49)
The 1st block valve removal V3O1 cut from Reactor. (D-50)
Cut loose and starting out. (D-51)
Lots of room. (D-52)
No check valves on the block valves. (D-53)
Ready for storage -- waiting clean-up. (D-54)
Cut started on Moderator Loop #286. (D-55)
Cutting Moderator loop with abrasive blade in skill saw. (D-56)
Moderator throttle valve V001. (D-57)
V001 going to storage. (D-58)
Modeator loop out of vault line is full of R/A Na. (D-59)
Loop going to storage. (D-60)
V103 cut off of V103 and going to storage. (D-61)
V104 being cut off of line 237. (D-62)
V104 and stub wiggling out of vault. (D-63)
Out and heading to storage. (D-64)
Waiting to be stored. (D-65)
V204 unwrapped from other lines and starting out. (D-66)
Going to storage. (D-67)
Repaired heaters on line #234 (D-68)
Cal rod heaters salvaged for reactor steaming system. (D-69)
Installing heaters on steaming system. (D-70)
Installing heaters and ovens on steaming system. (D-71)