Hallam Sodium Graphite Reactor photos


The photos below come from the decommissioning process of the Hallam Nuclear Power Facility, a Sodium Graphite Reactor that operated in Hallam, Nebraska between 1963 and 1964. Decommissioning activities pictured here took place between 1967 and 1969. The originals are sitting in the office at Sheldon Power Station. After visiting the site and looking through the albums, I asked Nebraska Public Power District if they’d be willing to scan them (and also sponsor the digitization of a related film). They graciously agreed and sent me the scanned PDF. Special thanks to Scott Margheim and John McClure at NPPD for all the efforts in getting this done. We cropped the images and transcribed the captions to get them into this form.

Insulation removed from block and throttle valves.
Insulation removed from block and throttle valves. (D-1)
1st primary Na valve to remove 14" W/check.
1st primary Na valve to remove 14" W/check. (D-2)
3" Na service piping to be removed.
3" Na service piping to be removed. (D-3)
Removing 18" CR. Mo. guard pipe.
Removing 18" CR. Mo. guard pipe. (D-4)
Removing 18" CR. Mo. guard pipe.
Removing 18" CR. Mo. guard pipe. (D-5)
Removing 18" CR. Mo. guard pipe.
Removing 18" CR. Mo. guard pipe. (D-6)
Freezing Na in line drain.
Freezing Na in line drain. (D-7)
Putting in more dry ice.
Putting in more dry ice. (D-8)
Starting cut on lines 146 (drain).
Starting cut on lines 146 (drain). (D-9)
Starting cut on lines 146 (drain).
Starting cut on lines 146 (drain). (D-10)
Cut and full of Na (Line 146).
Cut and full of Na (Line 146). (D-11)
Removing Line 146 W/ catch bucket.
Removing Line 146 W/ catch bucket. (D-12)
Showing Na in Line 146.
Showing Na in Line 146. (D-13)
Line 145, also full of Na.
Line 145, also full of Na. (D-14)
Line 145, also full of Na.
Line 145, also full of Na. (D-15)
Line 147 full of Na.
Line 147 full of Na. (D-16)
Setting up saw on line #239 inboard of valve.
Setting up saw on line #239 inboard of valve. (D-17)
Running into track for straight cut.
Running into track for straight cut. (D-18)
Setting saw on outboard of valve at same time.
Setting saw on outboard of valve at same time. (D-19)
Drilling pilot hole for 4" saw.
Drilling pilot hole for 4" saw. (D-20)
Hole is between chain and drive wheel.
Hole is between chain and drive wheel. (D-21)
Sawing 4" hole.
Sawing 4" hole. (D-22)
Showing saw cut nearly through.
Showing saw cut nearly through. (D-23)
Hole through -- sniffing inside pipe.
Hole through -- sniffing inside pipe. (D-24)
Starting to install balloon.
Starting to install balloon. (D-25)
Pushing balloon past saw line.
Pushing balloon past saw line. (D-26)
Balloon ready to inflate.
Balloon ready to inflate. (D-27)
Inflating balloon inside pipe.
Inflating balloon inside pipe. (D-28)
Starting straight cut.
Starting straight cut. (D-29)
Close watch on cutter
Close watch on cutter (D-30)
Running bevel cut on outboard side at same time.
Running bevel cut on outboard side at same time. (D-32)
Loose and starting out of vault.
Loose and starting out of vault. (D-32)
Just room.
Just room. (D-33)
Coming up.
Coming up. (D-34)
V303 and V304 together.
V303 and V304 together. (D-35)
Out and ready to be cut apart.
Out and ready to be cut apart. (D-36)
Balloon in pipe (forming seal).
Balloon in pipe (forming seal). (D-37)
Cap with nipple for balloon removal.
Cap with nipple for balloon removal. (D-38)
Trying bag removal (outside).
Trying bag removal (outside). (D-39)
Trying bag removal (side).
Trying bag removal (side). (D-40)
Trying bag removal (inside).
Trying bag removal (inside). (D-41)
Welding on cap. (loop side)
Welding on cap. (loop side) (D-42)
Cap on. (reactor side)
Cap on. (reactor side) (D-43)
Showing inside guard pipe. (Reactor)
Showing inside guard pipe. (Reactor) (D-44)
Installing ring flange in guard cavity.
Installing ring flange in guard cavity. (D-45)
Next (D-46)
On East side of Reactor (2 throttle and 1 block valve) with ovens on.
On East side of Reactor (2 throttle and 1 block valve) with ovens on. (D-47)
Mountains of insulation. (5' deep)
Mountains of insulation. (5' deep) (D-48)
Removed from East block and throttle valves.
Removed from East block and throttle valves. (D-49)
The 1st block valve removal V3O1 cut from Reactor.
The 1st block valve removal V3O1 cut from Reactor. (D-50)
Cut loose and starting out.
Cut loose and starting out. (D-51)
Lots of room.
Lots of room. (D-52)
No check valves on the block valves.
No check valves on the block valves. (D-53)
Ready for storage -- waiting clean-up.
Ready for storage -- waiting clean-up. (D-54)
Cut started on Moderator Loop #286.
Cut started on Moderator Loop #286. (D-55)
Cutting Moderator loop with abrasive blade in skill saw.
Cutting Moderator loop with abrasive blade in skill saw. (D-56)
Moderator throttle valve V001.
Moderator throttle valve V001. (D-57)
V001 going to storage.
V001 going to storage. (D-58)
Modeator loop out of vault line is full of R/A Na.
Modeator loop out of vault line is full of R/A Na. (D-59)
Loop going to storage.
Loop going to storage. (D-60)
V103 cut off of V103 and going to storage.
V103 cut off of V103 and going to storage. (D-61)
V104 being cut off of line 237.
V104 being cut off of line 237. (D-62)
V104 and stub wiggling out of vault.
V104 and stub wiggling out of vault. (D-63)
Out and heading to storage.
Out and heading to storage. (D-64)
Waiting to be stored.
Waiting to be stored. (D-65)
V204 unwrapped from other lines and starting out.
V204 unwrapped from other lines and starting out. (D-66)
Going to storage.
Going to storage. (D-67)
Repaired heaters on line #234
Repaired heaters on line #234 (D-68)
Cal rod heaters salvaged for reactor steaming system.
Cal rod heaters salvaged for reactor steaming system. (D-69)
Installing heaters on steaming system.
Installing heaters on steaming system. (D-70)
Installing heaters and ovens on steaming system.
Installing heaters and ovens on steaming system. (D-71)
Header for steaming reactor.
Header for steaming reactor. (D-72)
Header tied into reactor stubs.
Header tied into reactor stubs. (D-73)
VT #3 removed for reactor cleaning.
VT #3 removed for reactor cleaning. (D-74)
East reactor steaming Header complete.
East reactor steaming Header complete. (D-75)
West reactor steaming Header complete.
West reactor steaming Header complete. (D-76)
Reactor steaming system. Steam N₂ supply heating, and mixing station.
Reactor steaming system. Steam N₂ supply heating, and mixing station. (D-77)
Reactor steaming system. Effluent condensing system.
Reactor steaming system. Effluent condensing system. (D-78)
Instrumentation on effluence system condenser.
Instrumentation on effluence system condenser. (D-79)
Condenser - condensate level pot and instrumentation.
Condenser - condensate level pot and instrumentation. (D-80)
Repaired ovens and insulation on line 234. (ref. D-68)
Repaired ovens and insulation on line 234. (ref. D-68) (D-81)
Piping for St. N₂ reaction of primary Na pumps
Piping for St. N₂ reaction of primary Na pumps (D-82)
Typical pipe connection to primary Na pumps. (#2 pump)
Typical pipe connection to primary Na pumps. (#2 pump) (D-83)
Inspection of loops -- digging out residue for sample.
Inspection of loops -- digging out residue for sample. (D-84)
Dipper of NaOH from primary line.
Dipper of NaOH from primary line. (D-84)
NaOH sample from primary line.
NaOH sample from primary line. (D-86)
Primary RA/NA pump w/oven
Primary RA/NA pump w/oven (D-87)
Half of pump bowl oven removed
Half of pump bowl oven removed (D-88)
Ovens removed from pump.
Ovens removed from pump. (D-89)
Suction and discharge lines cut.
Suction and discharge lines cut. (D-90)
Showing depth of NaOH in pump suction nozzle.
Showing depth of NaOH in pump suction nozzle. (D-91)
Cuttings laying of NaOH in pump sunction nozzle.
Cuttings laying of NaOH in pump sunction nozzle. (D-92)
NaOH in pump suction pipe.
NaOH in pump suction pipe. (D-93)
NaOH in pump suction pipe.
NaOH in pump suction pipe. (D-94)
Closurer plates installed on primary pump and loops.
Closurer plates installed on primary pump and loops. (D-95)
St. N₂ line sealed pump now ready for removal (Ref. D-83)
St. N₂ line sealed pump now ready for removal (Ref. D-83) (D-96)
Final primary stainless steel closure on main heat transfer stubs out of the reactor.
Final primary stainless steel closure on main heat transfer stubs out of the reactor. (D-97)
Fitting final secondary Cr. Mo. closure
Fitting final secondary Cr. Mo. closure (D-98)
Welding out.
Welding out. (D-99)
Completed -- wrapped with asbestos to restart cooling.
Completed -- wrapped with asbestos to restart cooling. (D-100)
Hooked up to primary Na pump.
Hooked up to primary Na pump. (D-101)
Yep it's loose. (about 68,000 lbs.)
Yep it's loose. (about 68,000 lbs.) (D-102)
Just clearing stairway.
Just clearing stairway. (D-103)
Plug out of floor.
Plug out of floor. (D-104)
Pump bowl out.
Pump bowl out. (D-105)
Clearance on electrical tray.
Clearance on electrical tray. (D-106)
Going to shipping skid.
Going to shipping skid. (D-107)
Fitting into skid.
Fitting into skid. (D-108)
Bolted and banded.
Bolted and banded. (D-109)
Laying down.
Laying down. (D-110)
Laying down.
Laying down. (D-111)
Hooked up flat to load out.
Hooked up flat to load out. (D-112)
Going to railroad car.
Going to railroad car. (D-113)
Over the car.
Over the car. (D-114)
Waiting for a ride.
Waiting for a ride. (D-115)
Pump out now for balance leg.
Pump out now for balance leg. (D-116)
Rolled out and starting up.
Rolled out and starting up. (D-117)
Up, out, and ...
Up, out, and ... (D-118)
away. (D-119)
Starting to lay down.
Starting to lay down. (D-120)
I believe it will fit.
I believe it will fit. (D-121)
A box full.
A box full. (D-122)
Boxing the ovens (I.E. D-87 and D-88)
Boxing the ovens (I.E. D-87 and D-88) (D-123)
3 primary Na pumps and related parts ready to go.
3 primary Na pumps and related parts ready to go. (D-124)
This is where we'll end up.
This is where we'll end up. (D-125)
Disconnecting primary Na. pumps
Disconnecting primary Na. pumps (E-1)
Starting out with very little free room.
Starting out with very little free room. (E-2)
Pretty close.
Pretty close. (E-3)
It's going to fit.
It's going to fit. (E-4)
We made it.
We made it. (E-5)
Partly stripped pipe in the primary Na service vault.
Partly stripped pipe in the primary Na service vault. (E-6)
Removing vapor trap 7.
Removing vapor trap 7. (E-7)
Containment drain tank removed for system.
Containment drain tank removed for system. (E-8)
Waiting to be cleaned for use on reactor steaming.
Waiting to be cleaned for use on reactor steaming. (E-9)
Carbon trap up, out of vault.
Carbon trap up, out of vault. (E-10)
Setting on skid for off site shipment.
Setting on skid for off site shipment. (E-11)
Economizer loose and swung under hatch.
Economizer loose and swung under hatch. (E-12)
Starting up.
Starting up. (E-13)
Out of vault. Going to pallet for shipment.
Out of vault. Going to pallet for shipment. (E-14)
Na service vault piping.
Na service vault piping. (E-15)
Primary Na plugging meters waiting to be boxed.
Primary Na plugging meters waiting to be boxed. (E-16)
Nearly complete in primary Na service vault.
Nearly complete in primary Na service vault. (E-17)
There's the bottom
There's the bottom (E-18)
E.M. (electro-magnetic) pump on skid.
E.M. (electro-magnetic) pump on skid. (E-19)
The last of the Na service (i.e. E-18)
The last of the Na service (i.e. E-18) (E-20)
Plug #5 welded in place.
Plug #5 welded in place. (F-1)
Typical horizontal conduit closures.
Typical horizontal conduit closures. (F-2)
Typical vertical conduit closures sealed on the bottom.
Typical vertical conduit closures sealed on the bottom. (F-3)
Typical vertical valve operating shaft penetration closure sealed on the bottom.
Typical vertical valve operating shaft penetration closure sealed on the bottom. (F-4)
Removing electrical for building isolation.
Removing electrical for building isolation. (F-5)
Disconnecting control room panels.
Disconnecting control room panels. (F-6)
Wire through column line 13 on 14 line side
Wire through column line 13 on 14 line side (F-7)
Column line 13 on 12 line side.
Column line 13 on 12 line side. (F-8)
Wire and tray removed.
Wire and tray removed. (F-9)
Typical square floor plug welded in place.
Typical square floor plug welded in place. (F-10)
Fabricating closure late for primary Na pump floor opening.
Fabricating closure late for primary Na pump floor opening. (F-11)
Starting to install closure plate on reactor.
Starting to install closure plate on reactor. (F-12)
Nearly covered with ½" plate.
Nearly covered with ½" plate. (F-13)
Hole from steam generator room into IHX vault to be sealed.
Hole from steam generator room into IHX vault to be sealed. (F-14)
Pit in laundry room.
Pit in laundry room. (F-15)
Bulk head into tunnel.
Bulk head into tunnel. (F-16)
Tunnel into radiated waste building.
Tunnel into radiated waste building. (F-17)
From tunnel, back into reactor building
From tunnel, back into reactor building (F-18)
Installing closure in primary Na pump floor opening (i.e. F-11)
Installing closure in primary Na pump floor opening (i.e. F-11) (F-19)
Completed closure, ready for concrete.
Completed closure, ready for concrete. (F-20)
Nuclear instrumentation pit #1. Typical seal of all nuclear instrument pits.
Nuclear instrumentation pit #1. Typical seal of all nuclear instrument pits. (F-21)
Fit up of reactor face shield cover plate. (i.e. F-13)
Fit up of reactor face shield cover plate. (i.e. F-13) (F-22)
Typical plug and butt weld joint on R.F.S.
Typical plug and butt weld joint on R.F.S. (F-28)
Instrument and control panels being removed from control room.
Instrument and control panels being removed from control room. (F-29)
On skids and ready.
On skids and ready. (F-25)
Snubbing Constant spring hanger. (Na pipe in reactor containment.)
Snubbing Constant spring hanger. (Na pipe in reactor containment.) (F-26)
Snubbed with Hanger removed.
Snubbed with Hanger removed. (F-27)
completed Closure.
completed Closure. (F-28)
Radial weld on reactor face cover plate.
Radial weld on reactor face cover plate. (F-29)
Showing radial, butt and plug welds on R.F.S. cover.
Showing radial, butt and plug welds on R.F.S. cover. (F-30)
Seal welding moderator pits.
Seal welding moderator pits. (F-31)
Penetrations in steam generator room ready to pour.
Penetrations in steam generator room ready to pour. (F-32)
Moderator can grapple storage pits.
Moderator can grapple storage pits. (F-33)
Wrapping building vent filters.
Wrapping building vent filters. (F-34)
Installing filters in pit #19.
Installing filters in pit #19. (F-35)
Charcoal filters
Charcoal filters (F-36)
First filters in pit #19
First filters in pit #19 (F-37)
Pouring first filters in pit #19
Pouring first filters in pit #19 (F-38)
Last filters in place
Last filters in place (F-39)
Full of concrete and filters, pit #19
Full of concrete and filters, pit #19 (F-40)
Instrument connection seal on reactor
Instrument connection seal on reactor (F-41)
Dye check of R.F.S. cover plate weld.
Dye check of R.F.S. cover plate weld. (F-42)
Reinstalling wash cell plugs for weld.
Reinstalling wash cell plugs for weld. (F-43)
Moderator can grapple storage pit ready for concrete.
Moderator can grapple storage pit ready for concrete. (F-44)
Pouring sealant on serroband seal.
Pouring sealant on serroband seal. (F-45)
Removing piping for wall removal.
Removing piping for wall removal. (F-46)
Removing block wall for new support wall.
Removing block wall for new support wall. (F-47)
Removing wall into IHX N₂ coolers for new support wall.
Removing wall into IHX N₂ coolers for new support wall. (F-48)
Water lines removed at E line.
Water lines removed at E line. (F-49)
Rebar in pit #19
Rebar in pit #19 (F-50)
Stairway #9 chipped, ready for form and rebar.
Stairway #9 chipped, ready for form and rebar. (F-51)
Pouring miscellaneous small floor penetrations.
Pouring miscellaneous small floor penetrations. (F-52)
Removing vestibule of stairway #8
Removing vestibule of stairway #8 (F-53)
Typical fuel cell closure.
Typical fuel cell closure. (F-54)
Final pour on Pit 19
Final pour on Pit 19 (F-55)
First pour around reactor
First pour around reactor (F-56)
Reactor nearly complete
Reactor nearly complete (F-57)
Just the rubbing left
Just the rubbing left (F-58)
N₂ trench in High Bay
N₂ trench in High Bay (F-59)
Pour completed - final cover plate laying in place
Pour completed - final cover plate laying in place (F-61)
Finishing off fuel wash cells
Finishing off fuel wash cells (F-62)
Shore under stairway #8
Shore under stairway #8 (F-63)
Bush hammering stair #8
Bush hammering stair #8 (F-64)
Stair #8 ready for concrete
Stair #8 ready for concrete (F-65)
Fuel shipping cask loading pit ready for concrete
Fuel shipping cask loading pit ready for concrete (F-66)
Pouring fuel shipping cask pit; moderator can grapple pit poured
Pouring fuel shipping cask pit; moderator can grapple pit poured (F-67)
Pouring disconnect cell
Pouring disconnect cell (F-68)
Pouring moderator can grapple extension pits
Pouring moderator can grapple extension pits (F-69)
Melt cell ready to pour
Melt cell ready to pour (F-70)
Primary Na pump #1 pour (IE D-101)
Primary Na pump #1 pour (IE D-101) (F-72)
Stairway #9 poured (ie F-51)
Stairway #9 poured (ie F-51) (F-71)
Pouring pipe penetrations in steam generator room
Pouring pipe penetrations in steam generator room (F-73)
Pouring NaK and electrical in Low Bay
Pouring NaK and electrical in Low Bay (F-74)
Cooling water lines in fan room - sealed
Cooling water lines in fan room - sealed (F-75)
Cutting beam pockets in Pit 17
Cutting beam pockets in Pit 17 (F-76)
Installing rebar in Ay pier of floor support structure
Installing rebar in Ay pier of floor support structure (F-77)
Ready for concrete
Ready for concrete (F-78)
South reactor cooling trench
South reactor cooling trench (F-60)
We poured through here
We poured through here (F-80)
Keyway on top of piers
Keyway on top of piers (F-81)
Starting to form beams
Starting to form beams (F-82)
Start of form for Hatch #1
Start of form for Hatch #1 (F-83)
One section of Hatch #1 rebar in place
One section of Hatch #1 rebar in place (F-84)
Placing center beam section of rebar
Placing center beam section of rebar (F-85)
Forming west end of beam
Forming west end of beam (F-86)
Pipeway at Cy and 22 lines
Pipeway at Cy and 22 lines (F-87)
Manway hatch at Cy and 21 lines
Manway hatch at Cy and 21 lines (F-88)
Chipping staircase #1
Chipping staircase #1 (F-89)
Vestibule removed from stairway #7
Vestibule removed from stairway #7 (F-90)
Cutting out cooling lines on 24 line wall
Cutting out cooling lines on 24 line wall (F-91)
Filling fuel cells with grout (ie F-54)
Filling fuel cells with grout (ie F-54) (F-92)
Bank #3 poured low for reinstallation of covers
Bank #3 poured low for reinstallation of covers (F-93)
Covers tacked in place on Bank #3
Covers tacked in place on Bank #3 (F-93)
Putting neat cement on before pouring
Putting neat cement on before pouring (F-95)
East west wall - first lift poured
East west wall - first lift poured (F-96)
Beam under steam generator floor at Ay line
Beam under steam generator floor at Ay line (F-97)
By pier under steam generator room floor
By pier under steam generator room floor (F-98)
Cutting out cooling water lines in E line wall (ie F-49)
Cutting out cooling water lines in E line wall (ie F-49) (F-99)
Plug 9b - because of this.
Plug 9b - because of this. (F-100)
We had to do this - bottom of plug 9b
We had to do this - bottom of plug 9b (F-101)
Installing key plug in middle layer of plug 10
Installing key plug in middle layer of plug 10 (F-102)
The last of plug 10
The last of plug 10 (F-103)
Ready for rebar and then concrete (ie F-99)
Ready for rebar and then concrete (ie F-99) (F-104)
Partly repacked (ie F-91)
Partly repacked (ie F-91) (F-105)
East west wall completed
East west wall completed (F-106)
Forming North south wall
Forming North south wall (F-107)
Rebar in place -- ready to pour (i.e. 84)
Rebar in place -- ready to pour (i.e. 84) (F-108)
Pouring Hatch #1
Pouring Hatch #1 (F-109)
Pouring pit #17 (i.e. 76)
Pouring pit #17 (i.e. 76) (F-110)
Weld of final cover plate over reactor and pipe trench
Weld of final cover plate over reactor and pipe trench (F-111)
Sealed - line 24 (i.e. 105 & 91)
Sealed - line 24 (i.e. 105 & 91) (F-112)
Cy line pier and beam under steam generator room #1
Cy line pier and beam under steam generator room #1 (F-113)
North-south wall under aux. bay floor and hatch #1
North-south wall under aux. bay floor and hatch #1 (F-114)
Building ramp to load rig.
Building ramp to load rig. (Z-1)
Starting up
Starting up (Z-2)
Just a fit.
Just a fit. (Z-3)
A full 60' car.
A full 60' car. (Z-4)
#1 Block and Throttle on pallet for off site shipment.
#1 Block and Throttle on pallet for off site shipment. (Z-5)
#1 Block and throttle boxed, and #2 block and throttle on pallet.
#1 Block and throttle boxed, and #2 block and throttle on pallet. (Z-6)
Burning Na. (2nd Na line #268-14")
Burning Na. (2nd Na line #268-14") (Z-7)
Burning Na in expansion tank.
Burning Na in expansion tank. (Z-8)
Scrapped out MI and T/C wire from 2nd Na pipeway into IHX vault.
Scrapped out MI and T/C wire from 2nd Na pipeway into IHX vault. (Z-9)
Hauling Na pipe to be cleaned.
Hauling Na pipe to be cleaned. (Z-10)
It burns fast.
It burns fast. (Z-11)
Final Wash.
Final Wash. (Z-12)
VTs and small valves sealed, ready to be boxed for shipment
VTs and small valves sealed, ready to be boxed for shipment (Z-13)
Pallet full of VTs.
Pallet full of VTs. (Z-14)
Diaphragm valves ready for insulation filler and N₂ purge for shipment.
Diaphragm valves ready for insulation filler and N₂ purge for shipment. (Z-15)
Some Na service pipe.
Some Na service pipe. (Z-16)
Waiting to be cleaned
Waiting to be cleaned (Z-17)
Motors from IHX N₂ coolers
Motors from IHX N₂ coolers (Z-18)
EM pump being disassembled for junk.
EM pump being disassembled for junk. (Z-19)
Removing lead wool from shielding window.
Removing lead wool from shielding window. (Z-20)
R/A evaporator disconnecting.
R/A evaporator disconnecting. (Z-21)
R/A compressors before disconnecting starts
R/A compressors before disconnecting starts (Z-22)
R/A compressor going out.
R/A compressor going out. (Z-23)
Waiting to go be boxed.
Waiting to go be boxed. (Z-24)
R/A compressor, inner and aftercooler, being boxed.
R/A compressor, inner and aftercooler, being boxed. (Z-25)
2 R/A compressors and 2 tanks on the skid.
2 R/A compressors and 2 tanks on the skid. (Z-26)
Disconnecting R/A vent gas tanks for R/A survey
Disconnecting R/A vent gas tanks for R/A survey (Z-27)
Disconnecting R/A vent gas tanks for R/A survey
Disconnecting R/A vent gas tanks for R/A survey (Z-28)
Removed closed loop heat exchanger.
Removed closed loop heat exchanger. (Z-29)
Removing roll-up door.
Removing roll-up door. (Z-30)
Rmoving conduit from high bay floor.
Rmoving conduit from high bay floor. (Z-31)
Removing MG sets and removing MG panels
Removing MG sets and removing MG panels (Z-32)
480V "C" switch gear disconnected.
480V "C" switch gear disconnected. (Z-33)
Foundation and structural instrument pit disconnecting
Foundation and structural instrument pit disconnecting (Z-34)
Rigged to remove window (ref. Z-20)
Rigged to remove window (ref. Z-20) (Z-35)
Started out
Started out (Z-36)
Going good
Going good (Z-37)
Rigging to lift out.
Rigging to lift out. (Z-38)
Started up
Started up (Z-39)
Out (Z-40)
On pallet waiting to be boxed with dessicant and expansion tank on.
On pallet waiting to be boxed with dessicant and expansion tank on. (Z-41)
Removing N₂ panel.
Removing N₂ panel. (Z-42)
N₂ and He panels out, waiting to be boxed
N₂ and He panels out, waiting to be boxed (Z-43)
4160 gear slid over, taping buses
4160 gear slid over, taping buses (Z-44)
Nearly taped buss
Nearly taped buss (Z-45)
Boxing sealed manipulators
Boxing sealed manipulators (Z-46)
Removing N₂ low pressure tank. He low pressure tank next.
Removing N₂ low pressure tank. He low pressure tank next. (Z-47)
Electrical removal from floor on High Bay
Electrical removal from floor on High Bay (Z-48)
Open intermediate R/A waste tank for inspection
Open intermediate R/A waste tank for inspection (Z-49)
R/A waste in bottom of intermediate R/A tank
R/A waste in bottom of intermediate R/A tank (Z-50)
Showing contaminated material in the bottom of the intermediate R/A tank
Showing contaminated material in the bottom of the intermediate R/A tank (Z-51)
Removing section of R/A tanks
Removing section of R/A tanks (Z-52)
Section of R/A waste tank coming out to go to storage in primary Na vault
Section of R/A waste tank coming out to go to storage in primary Na vault (Z-53)
R/A waste tunnel isolated at reactor building end (ie F-16)
R/A waste tunnel isolated at reactor building end (ie F-16) (Z-54)
R/A waste tunnel isolated at R/A waste building end (ie F-17)
R/A waste tunnel isolated at R/A waste building end (ie F-17) (Z-55)
Cutting up intermediate level R/A tank
Cutting up intermediate level R/A tank (Z-56)
Wrapped contaminated sections of tank
Wrapped contaminated sections of tank (Z-57)
Going to primary Na vault for final storage
Going to primary Na vault for final storage (Z-58)
4160V Gear on its way out
4160V Gear on its way out (Z-59)

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