By Nick Touran, Ph.D., P.E., 2021-05-24 , Updated 2024-02-23
This is a curated directory of reading material that may be interesting for people to learn more about nuclear power technology. Free items are indicated with Free!
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High-level introductions
Author | Title | Description | |
Meredith Angwin |
Shorting the Grid: The Hidden Fragility of Our Electric Grid |
A general overview of electricity generation and governance. Contains plenty of discussion of nuclear compared to other electricity generating technologies. (2020) |
Rauli Partanen, Janne Korhonen |
Context about the scale of the energy transition and information about nuclear power. (2020) |
Joshua Goldstein and Staffan Qvist |
A Bright Future: How some countries have solved climate change and the rest can follow |
Book based on a NY Times op ed that inspired the Oliver Stone documentary “Nuclear” (2019-08-09) |
Colin Tucker |
Shows you that Reactor Physics isn’t Rocket Science Explains why Reactors are much safer than you might think. Enables anyone to understand how a Nuclear Reactor works. (2019) |
Scott Montgomery |
Seeing the Light: The case for nuclear power in the 21st century |
A high-level overview of the case for nuclear from an energy policy professor. (2017-09-14) |
Rauli Partanen, Janne Korhonen |
Climate Gamble: Is Anti-Nuclear Activism Endangering Our Future? |
Good book about energy choices (2017) |
Gweneth Cravens |
A climate-concerned nuclear skeptic re-asks the old questions and gets new and surprising answers. (2010-12-01) |
Richard Garwin and Georges Charpak |
Good high-level overview about nuclear technology and reactor development programs (2001-10) |
Jacques Leclercq | Free! |
Hands down the most beautiful, complete, and interesting general purpose nuclear book I have ever seen. (1986) |
Author | Title | Description | |
Carbon Neutrality in the UNECE Region - Technology Interplay under the Carbon Neutrality Concept |
Free! |
A broad-stroke comparison of different energy sources in terms of lifecycle impacts across many metrics (2022-10) |
Jessica Lovering, Suzanne Hobbs Baker | Free! |
A vision for nuclear technology fulfilling progressive values (2021) |
UNECE | Free! |
An incredible collection of data from the UN scientists describing nuclear energy from a climate perspective. (2021) |
Richard Rhodes | Free! |
A Pulitzer Prize-winning author argues that nuclear power has a place in solving climate change (2018-07-19) |
MIT | Free! |
A relatively modern analysis of the nuclear industry (2018) |
Feature length and shorter documentaries and videos about nuclear. See also the link to hundreds of other videos at bottom of page.
Author | Title | Description | |
Oliver Stone |
A feature-length documentary describing the modern case for nuclear power (2023) |
Greens for Nuclear Energy | Free! |
“Critical” is a climate change film with a timely twist - instead of criticising everybody else, here’s some greens examining their own credentials. It challenges a foundational principle for the green movement - being anti-nuclear - from within the movement itself. (2022) |
Isabelle Boemeke |
Nuclear power is our best hope to ditch fossil fuels (TED talk) |
Free! |
A TED talk from the world’s first nuclear TikTok influencer describing the case for nuclear in 10 mins (2022) |
Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell | Free! |
An animated 10-minute summary of why nuclear is needed to help fight climate change (2021) |
Kurzgesagt - In a Nutshell | Free! |
An amazingly animated 10-minute summary of nuclear safety on YouTube (2021) |
De Avondshow met Arjen Lubach | VPRO | Free! |
A hilarious discussion of nuclear energy in the Dutch language (with english subtitles) (2018) |
David Schumacher |
A full documentary following several nuclear power startup companies in the US as they attempt to bring nuclear technology to help solve climate change (2018) |
Robert Stone |
An excellent documentary covering the story and promise of nuclear power (2013) |
Atomic Energy Commission | Free! |
A large collection of semi-technical films about nuclear power. (1975 and earlier) |
Disney | Free! |
A video companion to the Disney-produced nuclear book by the same title (1957) |
Some new, some oldies but goodies.
Author | Title | Description | |
Thomas J. Dolan (editor) |
A large collection of chapters describing MSRs and Thorium (2017) |
Duderstadt & Hamilton | Free! |
The classic senior undergraduate nuclear engineering textbook covering the basics of reactor physics, neutron transport calculations, thermal/hydraulics, and plant design. Often taught to the senior class of nuclear engineering students. (1976) |
Bell and Glasstone | Free! |
A graduate-level classic textbook describing the physical concepts and mathematical methods used to predict the behavior of neutrons in nuclear reactors. (1970) |
El-Wakil, M. M. | Free! |
A detailed and complete book covering all kinds of nuclear engineering issues, including coolant choice, moderator choice, reactor configuration. Really a gem! (1962) |
M. A. Schultz. | Free! |
An excellent and detailed textbook about how to control a chain reacting nuclear power plant (1961) |
Glasstone | Free! |
861 pages of detailed nuclear engineering knowledge (1956) |
Russell R. Williams | Free! |
A nuclear chemistry textbook (1950) |
Joseph A. Thie | Free! |
An AEC monograph describing noise analysis in nuclear reactors |
Lamarsh | Free! |
A classic introductory level textbook often taught in the first nuclear engineering class that nuclear engineering students take. The old version is available but the third edition is much more common. |
DOE Fundamentals | Free! |
The Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory Handbook was developed to assist nuclear facility operating contractors in providing, operators, maintenance personnel, and the technical staff with the necessary fundamentals training to ensure a basic understanding of nuclear physics and reactor theory. |
If you like podcasts, here are a few to try out
Author | Title | Description | |
IAEA | Free! |
Educational discussions from the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency (2021 - today) |
Emmet Penney | Free! |
A podcast about nuclear, energy, and possibility (2021 - today) |
Chris Keefer | Free! |
Lots of great discussions with people across climate, business, and nuclear areas (2020 - today) |
Bret Kugelmass and others | Free! |
Hundreds of in-depth interviews with people all across the nuclear industry (2018 - today) |
Rod Adams | Free! |
The OG nuclear podcaster goes into depth on countless issues of interest across the decades (2006 - today) |
Author | Title | Description | |
Yang, W.S. | Free! |
An excellent overview of fast reactor physics and computational methods from a legendary author (2012) |
There are lots of compilations of info on various subsets of nuclear technology
Author | Title | Description | |
Nuclear Innovation Alliance | Free! |
Basic information about some reactors in development outside of typical large water-cooled reactors (September 2021) |
Generation IV International Forum | Free! |
Many videos about different nuclear topics (2022) |
Technical and Economic Aspects of Load Following with Nuclear Power Plants |
How nuclear plants can and do load follow (2021) |
Advances in Small Modular Reactor Technology Developments (PDF) |
Modern info about small modular reactors (2020) |
NRC | Free! |
Excellent and detailed information about the history, technology, promises, and challenges of fast-neutron reactors. (2019) |
Dan Wooten |
Lessons Learned from Fast Flux Test Facility Experience (PDF) |
Free! |
Valuable lessons learned from the FFTF (2017) |
Design Features and Operating Experience of Experimental Fast Reactors |
Free! |
Good descriptions of previous small fast reactors (2013) |
Lane | Free! |
A highlight from the 1958 Atoms for Peace conference, this book details fluid fueled reactors like aqueous homogeneous reactors and molten salt reactors. (1958) |
Starr and Dickinson | Free! |
A highlight from the 1958 Atoms for Peace conference, this book details sodium-cooled, slow neutron reactors intended to achieve passive low-pressure safety, high temperature efficiency, and operate on very low enriched or natural uranium. (1958) |
Dietrich and Zinn | Free! |
A highlight from the 1958 Atoms for Peace conference, this book details solid fuel breeder reactors including Fermi-1, EBR-1, and EBR-2. (1958) |
Overview of Molten Salt Reactor Technology Training Materials |
Free! |
Excellent and detailed information about the history, technology, promises, and challenges of molten salt reactors. |
Charles Till and Yoon Chang |
Plentiful Energy: The Story of the Integral Fast Reactor (PDF) |
Free! |
A book describing the development of a fast-neutron breeder reactor. |
People used to make comics about nuclear power
Author | Title | Description | |
Reddy Kilowatt, Inc. |
The Mighty Atom: The Story of Electricity from Amber to Atoms |
Free! |
A comic book with Reddy Kilowatt talking about electricity and atoms. (1958) |
General Electric | Free! |
A comic describing the basic concepts of nuclear fission technology from the very early days. (1948) |
Nuclear technology has a rich history with many fascinating developments. There are dozens upon dozens of deep-dive references in the reference section of our nuclear reactor development history page. But we’ll put some here too.
Author | Title | Description | |
Pranab Samanta, David Diamond, and William Horak |
NRC Regulatory History of Non-Light Water Reactors (1950-2019) (PDF) |
Free! |
This report describes the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s (NRC’s) history with the licensing of non-light water reactors (non-LWRs). The focus is on regulatory policy and licensing issues that have arisen in the past so that NRC staff will be in a better position to deal with these matters in the future (2019-06-10) |
NUMARK Associates, et al |
Free! |
This report summarizes the available domestic and international operating experience (OpE) for both power and research advanced non-light-water reactors with regard to materials and component integrity. It focuses on both sodium-cooled fast reactors (SFRs) and high-temperature gas-cooled reactors (HTGRs). (2019-03) |
Spencer Weart |
Definitive history of the psychology of the atom (2012) |
Alvin Weinberg |
As a young nuclear engineer, I was enchanted by Alvin Weinberg’s autobiography, The First Nuclear Era. He took me through a very personal history of concepts I have studied, and struck many chords by recounting such things as the day the term “breeder reactor” was thought up. Weinberg discusses pioneering neutron transport, working with the Manhattan Project, the origins of the national labs, how he influenced today’s dominance of light-water reactors, and a history of the various goings on that brought nuclear power to where it is today. (1994) |
Hewlett and Holl | Free! |
A phenomenal deep-dive into the history of nuclear enterprise in the USA. See also Many related publications at the DOE historical publications page (1990) |
Richard Rhodes |
A Pulitzer Prize winning deep dive into the story of the development of nuclear fission weapons. It covers most of the early nuclear physics discoveries, and then tells some wilder-than-fiction true stories about the wartime sprint to make the ultimate weapon. This is a must read. (1986) |
John Thompson |
Significant Operational Experience - 7 Major Events with Regulatory Implications (PDF) |
Free! |
A slide deck describing the 7 major events that shaped the industry’s regulations. |
Walker and Wellock | Free! |
A brief overview of some significant events in the history of U.S. nuclear regulation. |
Not exactly reading, but… these virtual tours are a lot of fun
Author | Title | Description | |
Oak Ridge | Free! |
Tour the second nuclear reactor ever, a air-cooled graphite moderated reactor in Oak Ridge. (2023) |
Canada |
The Society for the Preservation of Canada’s Nuclear Heritage Museum |
Free! |
Explore this incredible collection of Canadian nuclear history. The library alone has untold gems in it. Not to mention all the incredible hardware and models! (2023) |