A 1962 film about the US effort to develop natural-uranium heavy water power reactors
By Nick Touran, Ph.D., P.E., 2025-02-10 , Reading time: 18 minutes
In 1956, the US Atomic Energy Commission commissioned a study on the development of heavy-water moderated natural uranium fueled power reactors with the objective of producing low-cost commercial electricity. Since these reactors do not require any enrichment, it was thought that they could be cost competitive with fossil fuel power plants. To obtain more credible data, the Heavy Water Components Test Reactor (HWCTR) was built. This film describes the Heavy Water program and the HWCTR.
The Savannah River Site was already making 1000 tons of heavy water/year for the weapons program and had dropped the cost from $70/lb to $28/lb. At these rates, it was conceivable to make cheap power plants.
Catalog description: This film depicts the growing need for nuclear power and describes the features of heavy water reactors for use in power production. The development program conducted by the Atomic Energy Commission on this reactor concept is described in detail. Design studies performed on promising heavy water reactor concepts established the technical feasibility and economic promise of this concept. A number of research tasks in the fields of fuel design, engineering of low leakage components, studies of heat transfer and the physics of natural uranium heavy water systems were investigated in detail by Dupont and other research contractors to the USAEC. The facilities at the Savannah River Laboratory and at commercial laboratories used in this program are shown. Primary emphasis in the development program was placed on design of an inexpensive natural uranium fuel element for the heavy water reactor. Processes of fuel fabrication of both uranium metal and uranium oxide are described. To verify the results of the fuel development and other engineering programs a test reactor called a Heavy Water Components Test Reactor (HWCTR) was constructed at the Savannah River Plant. The film describes the construction of this reactor and outlines in detail the technical features and capabilities of the HWCTR and its special loop systems in demonstrating the heavy water reactor concept.
This is film 88394 in our catalog.
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