BONUS for Puerto Rico: a digitized film from 1967

By Nick Touran, Ph.D., P.E., 2023-09-19 , Reading time: 13 minutes

Puerto Rico and the US Atomic Energy Commission built and operated an extremely interesting nuclear reactor in the 1960s. It was intended to demonstrate an ability to not only boil water to steam in the nuclear core, but also to superheat the steam to higher temperature. Superheated dry steam would improve the efficiency of power plant and allow use of cheaper off-the-shelf turbine equipment, dramatically improving cost performance over non-superheat boiling water reactors. A variety of small technical problems arose that proved expensive to fix permanently, and so the project was eventually abandoned, and today’s BWRs sadly do not superheat their steam.

We just received in the mail a hard drive containing this documentary, digitized off of 16mm film from the National Archives for (what we believe is) the first time ever. Now, the story of BONUS, its construction, and initial operation, can stream to you in living color wherever you are. Enjoy!

1967 film entitled “BONUS for Puerto Rico”, digitized and uploaded by us, sourced from the US National Archives.

Catalog description: The film describes the construction and initial operation of a small, unique nuclear power station, the Boiling Nuclear Superheat Reactor, in the picturesque, tropical setting of Puerto Rico. Through animation, the film compares nuclear superheat reactors with other types and briefly describes the joint arrangements between the United States Atomic Energy Commission and the Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority for construction and operation of this first nuclear power plant in the tropics.

Thanks to Brett Rampal for funding the digitization of this film.

Some stills from the film

Introductory title showing film title over a green lucious Puerto Rico coast. Introductory title showing film title over a green lucious Puerto Rico coast.
A completed view of the BONUS dome with ocean and palm trees in the background. A completed view of the BONUS dome with ocean and palm trees in the background.
The front door to the bonus building showing an american and Puerto Rican flag side by side. Dome and palm trees in background. The front door to the bonus building showing an american and Puerto Rican flag side by side. Dome and palm trees in background.
Closeup of control rod position indicators, which are red and white ruler-like indicators with red buttons and indicator lights. There are three of them shown. Closeup of control rod position indicators, which are red and white ruler-like indicators with red buttons and indicator lights. There are three of them shown.
The Bonus turbine generator, an orange set of cylindars mounted in concrete with a technician bending over one. The Bonus turbine generator, an orange set of cylindars mounted in concrete with a technician bending over one.
Another exterior view of the Bonus nuclear reactor site, with dome, grasses, a tree, the ocean, and palm trees shown Another exterior view of the Bonus nuclear reactor site, with dome, grasses, a tree, the ocean, and palm trees shown
A map of the Puerto Rican electricity grid, showing BONUS on the far west coast. Numerous white dots are shown connected by lines and some city names. A map of the Puerto Rican electricity grid, showing BONUS on the far west coast. Numerous white dots are shown connected by lines and some city names.
A bulldozer is shown knocking over a palm tree. A bulldozer is shown knocking over a palm tree.
Group of people watching guys in suits with shovels break ground in the dirt for the nuclear reactor construction. Group of people watching guys in suits with shovels break ground in the dirt for the nuclear reactor construction.
Elevated view of the initial BONUS reactor construction, showing a crane placing steel beams in a cylinder in an excavated area. Palm trees and ocean are seen in the background. Elevated view of the initial BONUS reactor construction, showing a crane placing steel beams in a cylinder in an excavated area. Palm trees and ocean are seen in the background.
Cement truck pouring cement basemat for the BONUS nuclear reactor construction. Cement truck pouring cement basemat for the BONUS nuclear reactor construction.
BONUS pressure vessel suspended in the air on cables from a large crane. BONUS pressure vessel suspended in the air on cables from a large crane.
Animated depiction of a nuclear superheat boiling water reactor in a somewhat groovy style. It shows coolant going through the reactor once and then a second time to be superheated before going to the right into the turbine, which is connected to a generator that makes little lightning bolts. Animated depiction of a nuclear superheat boiling water reactor in a somewhat groovy style. It shows coolant going through the reactor once and then a second time to be superheated before going to the right into the turbine, which is connected to a generator that makes little lightning bolts.
Convoy of trucks carrying the BONUS reactor vessel through a town in Puerto Rico. Adults in hats and barefoot kids stand by watching. Several two-story buildings are seen. Convoy of trucks carrying the BONUS reactor vessel through a town in Puerto Rico. Adults in hats and barefoot kids stand by watching. Several two-story buildings are seen.
Truck carrying BONUS vessel gets stuck in a tight forested corner on the street. It is basically pinned as it tries to round the corner. Truck carrying BONUS vessel gets stuck in a tight forested corner on the street. It is basically pinned as it tries to round the corner.
Pressure vessel in BONUS dome now being lifted by large internal crane. Several men in hardhats are seen in the background Pressure vessel in BONUS dome now being lifted by large internal crane. Several men in hardhats are seen in the background
Technician attaches many red and green and black wires to a connection terminal of some kind. Technician attaches many red and green and black wires to a connection terminal of some kind.
Man in yellow hardhat and white outfit wipes off bottom of nuclear core component with a white rag Man in yellow hardhat and white outfit wipes off bottom of nuclear core component with a white rag
Man looks at broken nuclear recirculation pump while trying to fix it. It is jacked up on a red jack. Man looks at broken nuclear recirculation pump while trying to fix it. It is jacked up on a red jack.
Control rod drive mechanism, which is a shiny steel cylinder with a larger gear sticking out the end of it. A mans two hands are seen nearly grasping the gear. Control rod drive mechanism, which is a shiny steel cylinder with a larger gear sticking out the end of it. A mans two hands are seen nearly grasping the gear.
Man in white coveralls, a white cap, and white gloves holds a suspended fresh nuclear fuel assembly close while positioning it for initial core loading at BONUS. Man in white coveralls, a white cap, and white gloves holds a suspended fresh nuclear fuel assembly close while positioning it for initial core loading at BONUS.
Men in white coveralls and caps look at geiger counter while standing near a nuclear superheat fuel assembly being loaded into BONUS. Dark background. Radiation sign on pedastal. Men in white coveralls and caps look at geiger counter while standing near a nuclear superheat fuel assembly being loaded into BONUS. Dark background. Radiation sign on pedastal.
Control room view showing placard about BONUS going critical on April 13, 1964 at 2033 hours. the REACTOR ON sign is lit. Control room view showing placard about BONUS going critical on April 13, 1964 at 2033 hours. the REACTOR ON sign is lit.
11 smiling men shaking hands in the control room of bonus after achieving initial criticality. 11 smiling men shaking hands in the control room of bonus after achieving initial criticality.
2 Men standing in bonus control room pressing buttons. The overview of the control room is visible in pale green with many indicators, switchces, and buttons, and alarms seen. 2 Men standing in bonus control room pressing buttons. The overview of the control room is visible in pale green with many indicators, switchces, and buttons, and alarms seen.

Read more about BONUS

Contents of the film by timestamp include:

  • 00:00 Intro credits
  • 01:12 Introduction
  • 03:48 Clearing the site
  • 04:41 Ground-breaking ceremony
  • 06:37 Vessel fabrication
  • 07:40 Animations of operating principles
  • 09:16 Arrival of vessel in San Juan
  • 11:07 Completion of containment shell and turbine
  • 15:55 Repairs during construction
  • 16:45 Installing control rods
  • 17:44 Installing fuel assemblies
  • 19:15 Initial criticality and operation
  • 20:49 Summary

These are loaded into the youtube video as chapters for your convenience.

See Also

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