Nuclear Power History Pages

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Digital Nuclear Reactor History Museum

Our collection of digitized nuclear reactor historical items

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Hallam Sodium Graphite Reactor photos

Hundreds of photographs from the decommissioning of the Hallam Nuclear Power Facility, a Sodium Graphite Reactor that operated in Nebraska from 1963 to 1964.

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Offshore nuclear power plants

In the 1970s, Westinghouse and Newport News formed a joint venture called Offshore Power Systems to mass produce floating nuclear power plants. Vast environmental and...

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Nuclear Reactor Development History

Learn about the wide variety of nuclear reactor development programs that have happened up to about 1970

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Notes on Atoms for Peace and War

Notes and summary for the official Atomic Energy Commission's history from 1953 to 1961 covering the development of commercial nuclear power and also the new...

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Historical Nuclear Energy Films

A directory of historical nuclear energy films including digitization status and efforts

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Timeline of nuclear energy history

Learn the history of nuclear energy here, in timeline form from Roentgen’s discovery of x-rays, through the Manhattan project, up to Fukushima.

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General History of Nuclear Energy

Learn the history of nuclear energy here, from Roentgen’s discovery of x-rays, through the Manhattan project, up to Fukushima.