A collection of nuclear-energy related calculations with references.
Nuclear energy is low-carbon energy
The nuclear fission reactions that underlie nuclear energy don't create any CO₂ whatsoever. However, some is emitted during planning, mining, construction, operation, decommissioning, and waste...
Energy Density Comparison with Nuclear
Bar graph showing nuclear vs. conventional energy density on a linear axis ;)
Low-dose Radiation Effect Estimator
Enter an equivalent dose rate and see what the long-term health consequences are estimated to be.
Enrichment SWU calculator
Interactive nuclear enrichment and SWU calculator where you can enter a given feed or product mass and a product enrichment and it will tell you...
Nuclear Power Reading List
Some links to good reading material about nuclear technology
Computing the energy density of nuclear fuel
How to compute energy density of nuclear fuel
Nuclear fuel will last us for 4 billion years
Some people claim nuclear fuel is inexhaustible and circular, others say we'll run out soon. We do the math. Turns out, it's roughly as inexhaustible...
Nuclear-friendly statements of famous people
These famous people have said positive things about nuclear energy
Power and Energy
The difference between power and energy, plus what nuclear burnup is.