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Chicago Pile-1 (
There was no enrichment at the time...
ZEEP with NRX under construction in background, from ZEEP: The Little Reactor that Could
Logan Emlet and his steam-powered generator from ORNL writeup
Some early reactor ideas from MUC-LAO-42. See also the Piles of the Future Review from October, 1944 where a longer discussion of their views of future reactors is recorded. They thought pressurized water would lead to corrosion issues at high temperature and considered liquid metal (specifically lead-bismuth) to be the most promising coolant. Written 5 days after Hanford B came online.
Data source for all future reactors
The LITR, the 1st water-cooled/moderated reactor (CC-BY-2.0 ORNL)
The 40 MWt MTR (AEC)
Admiral Rickover, 1955
Prototype submarine in Idaho
Launch of USS Nautilus (1955)
The Knolls Intermediate Power Breeder (AEC)
Academic reactor
Practical reactor
Intended to power remote areas
ML-1 field test in Idaho
PM-1 being sent to Wyoming
Actual ML-1 reactor on trailer (ML-1 Reactor Relocation)
Dose rate map 10 days after shutdown
PM-1 fully assembled in Wyoming
PM-3A in operation at McMurdo Station (Source)
Initial declassification of controlled fusion work in 1958
The Columbus II pinch experiment at LASL: 100,000 Joules in July 1957 (Project Sherwood)
Required conditions:
Fig 8 Stellarator
B-2 Stellarator (working!)
Model C Stellarator
Pinch capacitor bank
Direct Current Experiment
Rotating plasma experiment
Fusion progress (Adopted by Wurzel from S.E. Wurzel and S. C Hsu Physics of Plasmas 29, 062103 (2022))
A batch of AI L-77s, ready for crating
The Ford Nuclear reactor at NERS
Construction of a boiler chamber in the Shippingport PWR (from Library of Congress)
Co-located coal, hydro, and nuclear, thought to be unique worldwide.
BWR dev pathways (from ORSORT)
The key to Dresden
The inherent characteristics of sodium reactors make the SEAWOLF propulsion plant expensive to build, complex to operate, susceptible to prolonged shutdown as a result of even minor malfunctions, and difficult and time consuming to repair. These facts clearly demonstrate that sodium is less desirable for naval reactors than pressurized water.
Saint-Laurent Nuclear Power Plant (CC-BY-SA Clicgauche)
Gravelines PWRs in France (AREVA image)
Smolensk NPP (CC-BY-SA Originaldatei)
Balakovo (CC-BY-SA Seetenky)
Global capacity changes (Carbon Brief)
Fraction of the time the plant is running at full capacity (
NS Savannah in Seattle, 1962 (MOHAI)
Print showing SNAP-10A
The Manufacturing License!
A small reactor (ANL)
Based on proven, well-known technology
An AP1000 advanced reactor (Westinghouse)
Reactors that don't include a moderator
Fast reactor history (adapted from Walter, Fast Breeder Reactors)
Breeder reactors are as renewable as anything else (
Breeder reactors that don't need fast neutrons
The TMSR-LF1 in China (WNN)
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